April is a hottest and driest month in Thailand. In this month, refugees especially farmers in Mae Rama Luang and Mae La Oon camps in Mae Sariang and Sob Moei Districts of Mae Hong Son Province took a rest from farm work. COERR also took this opportunity to organize two trainings: one for capacity building of agricultural staff; the other for farmer refugees who will leave for third country resettlement soon.
The capacity building of staff and refugee trainers was held in Mae Rama Luang Camp on April 5-6, 2011 for 8 staff and trainers (6 male and 2 female) and in Mae La Oon Camp on April 6-7, for 9 staff and trainers (7 male and 2 female).

Documentary VDO was shown for refugee farmers to learn and prepare themselves for resettlement
Training for refugee farmers who are processing for third country resettlement included the review of basic organic farming. Video documentary on organic agriculture in western countries was played so refugees can see farming in the countries with different topography and climate. The training was organized in Mae La Ma Luang on April 7-8 for 25 refugees (17 male and 8 female) and in Mae La Oon on for April 20-21 for 20 refugees (15 male and 5 female).

Training in preparation of refugees for third country resettlement